Ma Liliána, Olga napja van.

About us

The Hungarian Road Transport Association (MKFE) is the advocacy organisation of the Hungarian hauliers, passenger transport enterprises and private entrepreneurs that also provides wide range of services to its members in order to support their operation and the development of this sector.

Most of our 2.400 members are hauliers with full rights whose vehicles, including buses, operate throughout Europe and many times out of the continent in the direction of North-Africa and Russia.

Chairman of MKFE: Zsolt BARNA

Vice-chairman of MKFE: József VARGA

Secretary General of MKFE: Tivadar ÁRVAY

Membership: 2400
Headquarters: 1149 Budapest, 77 Egressy Road
Mailing address: 1590 Budapest, PO. 163
Telephone: +36 (1) 252 - 0688
Fax: +36 (1) 363 - 5226
Councils: Council of Cargo Transport
Council of Passenger Transport

We provide about 200 different services to our members in order to support their every day operation.

Our main services are the following:
  • TIR Certificate
  • Ferry tickets sale
  • Training
  • Insurance
  • Information (magazine, newletters)
  • MKFE-MOL Gold and Green Cards
  • Sale of commercial goods (webshop)
How can you join MKFE?

Who can be a member?
  • Cargo- and passenger road hauliers
  • Hauliers
  • Cargo- and passenger hauliers with own invoice
  • Transport organisers
  • Anyone who would like to support the Hungarian road transport.
To join MKFE you have to fill in the membership application form and data sheet. Application package that contains all the necessary documents and information are available in both the Budapest and regional MKFE offices.
The applications must be got to our offices.
© 2019 MKFE all rights reserved.
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